Celoteh Beo

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Magic Stone from Yogyakarta (Indoensia)

Posted by H Eko Prabowo |

It has been found 3 pieces of stone that constantly shed a tear at the edge of Highway between Magelang - Yogyakarta at
km 32. Stone came from the eruption of Mount Merapi spit lava and carried away by the cold lava flood.

One of the local residents, (Musrifah) said, beginning the stones just like any other stone. The stone started continue to 'cry' when one miner trying to break it down.
Since the incident, stones were constantly out of water. Even now not go dry.

Citizens who heard about it then stop their activities. Three stone was then removed with the other stones.
Citizens increasingly wonder when the days, the water coming out of the three stones that do not dry out.
Whereas other stones, it is dry, let alone the weather is very hot these days

Do people believe this magical stone?
"Well maybe not so far Merapi, often mined but not kept, so perhaps these stones to feel persecuted and crying,"


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